Let’s get historic – Part 2 The Pits

It’s not very often you can venture around the pits at a racing event but at Winton it was almost encouraged. Watch the preparations, chat to the drivers, drool over the machinery or like Baz and I did, try to answer each other’s random questions. Anything about the old Holden engines was his bag, any electrical doohickey was my jam. Anything else, well that was just a guess. Anyway, enjoy what was getting fine tuned and worked on at Historic Winton!

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The need to Graduate

At first I was thinking it was a quite day in the auction yard, with nothing really capturing my attention (well there was a nice Monaro with sparkly paint that didn’t look too bad and a couple of rough looking Nissans – but nothing that really stood out and screamed ‘You definitely don’t see one of those every day!)

Well until I stepped inside and came face to face with a fierce looking graduate…

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